Zero Entry Fee - Islamic Payment Gateway PayHalal with EasyStore

By PayHalal · 7th June, 2022

Zero Entry Fee - Islamic Payment Gateway PayHalal with EasyStore | EasyStore

Do you know based on current statistic 2022 Islamic Finance 2020-2021 the numbers of customer/user chose to used Islamic product especially in Financial are going up 65% from 2018. This shows 5 years from now the market estimate additional of 10% of payment by Islamic platform will be increase.

Most of the online business facing difficulties to choose and apply for the best shariah payment gateway with competitive rate, late settlement and longer approval for submission, and no consolidated report in one payment gateway.

Introducing PayHalal

With PayHalal:

Zero entry fee for EasyStore merchant with T+2 settlement, and able to use within 24 hours upon registration.

✅ Accept Visa, MasterCard (Debit & Credit), FPX (B2B & B2C), iBNPL (ATOME) and eWallet (TnGo).

✅ All payment transaction reports can be access via real time report on PayHalal Merchant dashboard.

PayHalal is the 1st Islamic Payment Gateway in Malaysia that is certified by Shariah Advisory, Amanie Advisor Sdn Bhd and licensed by Bank Negara Malaysia.

Islamic Buy Now Pay Later

Islamic Buy Now Pay Later of PayHalal is a collaboration with ATOME. Your customers only need to download the ATOME application and go through the E-KYC process for only 72 seconds to get instant approval where the credit limit is automatically given with RM1500 debit card and RM5000 for credit card.

The process is very simple where your customer only needs to upload a copy of the identity card and a little basic information.

You as a merchant will enjoy the benefits of fully funded voucher provided by ATOME. This campaign voucher will have different amount, different campaign on monthly basis.

How to be part of us

Special promotional rates are catered only for any merchant who are using EasyStore ecommerce platform. This promo is valid up until 30th April 2023.

Grab this deal

Why PayHalal

We are first and only Shariah Compliant payment gateway that licensed by Bank Negara Malaysia, and certified by shariah advisory, Amanie Advisors Sdn Bhd.