Use WhatsApp to grow your business?

By June Sim · 6th April, 2015

Use WhatsApp to grow your business? | EasyStore
Great engagement with your customer 
Hi online sellers!  As we mentioned with you on pervious blog( You could advertise on WhatsApp?! Huh?), 
EasyStore now is helping you to integrate your online store with WhatsApp.
Don't miss out on any sales opportunity,
please do check with your tools at EasyStore’s control panel and start to make more sales via WhatsApp!
700million++ User@ Whatapps
WhatsApp Messenger is an instant messaging app for smartphones that operates under a subscription business model.
In October 2014, WhatsApp was the most globally popular messaging app with more than 600 million active users, and it surpassing 700 million users within 3 months.
Why messaging platform are important for seller? 
Messaging platforms have become de facto social networks, billions of conversations are happening on this platforms every day, which mean there are billion opportunities 
Direct Marketing - Your buyer can share their products to their friends directly and it will also increase your number of potential buyers at the same time.
Instruction of plug-in WhatsApp into your online store:
  • Login to your store's control panel and go to tools
  • Scroll down and select "WhatsApp"plug-in button
  • Switch the OFF button to ON
  • Click "Save Changes" before you leave your page.
STEP 3 (Testing)
  • Go to your product page via your mobile devices 
  • Scroll down your page to bottom side
  • Please click on the "Share via WhatsApp" button
STEP 4 (Testing)
  • Link to your WhatsApp Contact
  • Choose your receiver ( Groups / Friend )
STEP 5 (Testing)
  • Confirm your receiver and click on "Send" 
STEP 6 (Testing)
  • Your product page and details will be sent to your WhatsApp's friends
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