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9 things that every ecommerce owner should know

By Frost Chen · 28th February, 2017

9 things that every ecommerce owner should know | EasyStore

Theres no doubt about it, ecommerce is the trend of the future...and the present. From it͛s very beginnings, ecommerce has been on an upward trajectory, and it is predicted to keep climbing throughout the years. However, the ecommerce industry is also very competitive and not everyone can expect success unless they work at it and familiarise themselves with the business. Whether you have been involved in the launch of an ecommerce business, or whether you are looking to get involved in an up and coming venture, here are some tips that will help ensure success.

Knowing When to Launch

As an up and coming ecommerce entrepreneur, its a no-brainer that you are excited to launch your business. But remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression. You may want to secure a domain and put a coming soon page on your web site, but save the actual launching until all the ground work is laid, including SEO, content marketing, social media, paid advertising, web site layout, administration...and the list goes on.

Know Your Customers


This is an important step in successful marketing. Many ecommerce business owners start off their businesses launching marketing strategies that don͛t cater to their audiences. Figure out what your business is centered on and what products you offer so you can determine your target audience. This will bring in an optimal return on investments and a steady stream of leads.

The Customer Comes First

Approach your business model by putting yourself in the customers shoes. To this end, the customer wants to become as familiar with the product as possible before buying it. This is a drawback to online purchases and there is no real solution, but it could help to offer appropriate pricing, free trials and/or shipping.

Make The Checkout Process Smooth and Easy

When people are looking to purchase something online, frustration at the checkout page could be a big deterrent. Customers can easily abandon their purchases during this process and move on to a competitors web site to purchase the same product. Its up to you as a business owner to make this process so simple that anyone can do it. Some tips may include eliminating the need to create an account for purchases, reducing screens the customer has to go through to check out, making sure the default shipping option is the cheapest, using auto-fill whenever possible, saving billing, shipping and payment information when possible and offering a wide variety of ways for customers to provide payment.

Test Everything

When it comes to launching your ecommerce business, you want to make sure everything functions properly...but there is another side to testing which involves the marketing aspect, and ultimately the success, of your business. You can figure out which marketing strategies are working and which are not, by using AB testing. This is a process that allows you to compare two different models of your marketing campaign to determine which ones are responsible for the greatest conversions. This can apply to emails campaigns, blog content or certain features of your web site.

Your Customers May Be Your Best Resource

A happy customer can be worth more than a source of potentially continuous cash flow. Customers can provide glowing testimonials and great reviews which will serve to bring even more business to your company. Make it easy for customers to leave reviews for you and for you to compile these reviews on to your web site.

Use Social Media

Social media is virtually the heartbeat of the world these days. As an ecommerce business owner, it is a vital marketing tool. Make yourself visible on social media and follow up with well targeted, low cost ad campaigns. AB marketing can help to this end as well as you test different strategies to see which will be most effective.

Go Mobile

With technology updating all the time, there is an increased need for people to be in touch and ready to do business and make purchases on the go. That is why it͛s so important to be accessible in a mobile format. It͛s projected that tablets will play an increasing role in consumer spending so get on board with mobile to stay in the game or you may be irrelevant in the next 3 to 5 years.

Keep Evolving

Evolution can come in many forms for an ecommerce business. Customers are constantly on the lookout for new products and services, so be aware of customer needs and how they can fit into your brand. Technologies are always evolving as well, so make sure your web site is operating with the latest software and conveniences to give your business a fresh and modern appearance.

Ecommerce is a great business to break into, but you must know what you are doing. New entrepreneurs are encouraged to research carefully and watch your competitors to ensure success. These are just a few tips to help you on your way. Best of luck!